How to Prevent Serious Damage to Your Hair


If you, like many in the world, have been in lockdown far too long, the stress has probably taken a toll on your hair! While it’s still important to mask up, you’ll be going out and about a lot more, and to many new places. Of course, you want your hair to look amazing! After sheltering in place, watching too much television, and taking many naps, it’s time to take a serious look to see if your hair has damage. How can you prevent damage, and what can you do about it?


Protect it From the Sun

Anyone who has spent time outside in summer knows that hair can be damaged by the sun. Besides bleaching it out, the sun can cause hair to become more brittle. According to Cleveland Clinic, there are great conditioners and hair masks that can heal and prevent sun damage. When in doubt? Wear a great hat! There are so many gorgeous hats available, and protecting your hair and face are always in style!

Use Conditioner

Conditioner helps with preventing sun damage, of course, but a lot of that protection can run right down the shower drain. According to Blake Charles Salon, using a leave-in conditioner after a shower keeps your hair healthy throughout the day! Your best bet is to use a leave-in conditioner that is specifically for preventing sun damage. These seem more expensive initially, but because you use such a small amount and do not rinse it away, they are very cost-effective. A tiny amount goes a long way.

Use the Right Tools in the Right Way

According to Function of Beauty, well-meaning advice from the past and old tools can also damage your hair. Whether it’s a brush that’s not made for your hair type or texture, a shampoo that strips out your curls, or blow drying too frequently, there are lots of ways a person can hurt their hair. Stylists advise working with the hair you have instead of attempting to make your hair texture mimic another’s. Your hair is gorgeous, and a good stylist can help you discover whether you need to avoid sulfates, heat tools, or what sort of brush can prevent damage.

Your hair is beautiful, and working with it, rather than against it, can bring out your hair’s natural beauty and bounce, regardless of your hair type. If it’s already damaged, some products can help it heal. Live your gorgeous life healing your hair and loving your wonderful self!

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