Simple Changes to Make Yourself Look Younger


You’ll be hard-pressed to find a woman who isn’t interested in looking younger. But if you’re not the type to consider plastic surgery, Botox, or other medical treatments, there are still ways to keep a youthful look and avoid the “older lady” label. There are still plenty of simple changes and habit patterns that can help you look younger than your current years.


Practice Good Skincare

You knew this was coming, right? Age first starts to show itself in your skin, so having a good, consistent skincare routine is paramount in combating it. Routines will vary by individual, but generally Aesthetic Dermatology recommends you look for a gentle skin cleanser that doesn’t strip your face of its natural oils. After cleansing, follow with a toner and moisturizing cream to seal in the moisture and keep your skin firm. And if you don’t already, consider using sunscreen as well as an antioxidant serum. Sunscreen will protect your face and skin from sunburn as well as long-term damage, like wrinkles and serious cancers. Antioxidant serums will help your skin combat the damage caused by free radicals and leave skin looking healthy.

Change Your Hairstyle

Switching up your ‘do is a simple change, but it can be very effective—not to mention fun! Longer hair is usually seen as more youthful, so if you’re up for tackling the extra maintenance you can try growing your hair out (or leaving it long, if you’re already there). According to Blake Charles Salon, bangs will give you a more youthful look as well, plus they may help to hide any fine lines appearing on your forehead. If you’re unsure what sort of hairdo will do you best, visit a stylist. A visit to the hair salon can go a long way toward helping you look your best.


Not only is exercise a key component of living a longer and healthier life, but there’s evidence to support that it actually helps reverse the aging process. According to Myeloma Crowd, exercise can lead to better muscle tissue repair no matter your age, meaning consistent aerobic movement every day (like biking, running, swimming, etc.) can improve your ability to heal and regenerate and repair cells. These effects can disappear only one week after you stop exercising, however, so it’s essential to establish a routine.

Youthful features aren’t everything, but they certainly boost confidence. There are many ways to help you maintain a youthful appearance. Even if you do see a medical procedure in your future, it’s worth starting some inexpensive habits first!

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